> Hotel La Floresta Salento is initiating a Management System for Hospitality and Environmental Sustainability aiming for a continuous improvement of our services, committed to caring for the environment, seeking to obtain benefits that are projected to a general social welfare in the region.
It rejects sexual exploitation, pornography and abuse with minors. Law 679 of 2001.
It rejects all types of commercialization and trafficking of species of wild flora. Law 17 of 1981 and Resolution 1367 of 2000.

  • It rejects the illegal commercialization and trafficking of cultural, regional and national goods. Law 103 of 1991 and Decree 904 of 1941, Law 397 of 1997 and its Decree 833 of 2002, Law 1185 of 2008.
  •  It rejects all kinds of discriminatory practices, therefore it promotes the protection of the rights of a person, groups of people, community or people. Law 1482 of 2011.
  • Likewise, the establishment accepts compliance with normality for the handling of personal data is in accordance with the provisions of the Colombian Political Constitution, Law 1581 of 2012, Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013 and other complementary provisions.